Civil Rights

Leila Lord, Tasman Dotti, and ex-soldier and Aboriginal activist Herbert Groves wearing his Second World War uniform as protest on the Australian Aboriginal League float in the 1947 May Day procession (photograph courtesy Australian War Memorial - P01248.001)
mawa – grasp – to take hold / walama – return or come back
There was a growing political activism within Sydney’s Aboriginal community over the 20th century, which led to the development of facilities and institutions for urban Aboriginal people. While Redfern was a particular focus for activism around civil and land rights, and a number of organisations integral to self-determination were established here, but there are also sites all over Sydney of political significance to Aboriginal people.
Koiki: the Mabo star
Apology To The Stolen Generations
Aborigines Protection Board Office
Speakers’ Corner at The Domain
Mrs Macquarie’s Chair
Reconciliation Park
NYE Welcome to Country illuminations
Recognising military service
Douglas Grant
Military service and Aboriginal voices
Bert Groves
Aboriginal organisations in Sydney
Significant Aboriginal people in Sydney
Jack Patten
Significant Aboriginal events in Sydney
Government policy in relation to Aboriginal people
Charles ‘Chicka’ Dixon
Charles Perkins
Aboriginal involvement with the church
Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs
Redfern Park
Land Rights
Freedom Ride
Boot Trade Union Hall
Aboriginal Medical Service
Aboriginal Legal Service
St David’s Hall
Burlington Hotel
Aboriginal Housing Company
NAIDOC Week in Sydney
Australian Hall
Aborigines Welfare Board