Yellamundie Playwriting Festival 2017

Yellamundie National First Peoples Playwriting Festival (image by Zan Wimberley)

A chance for audiences to catch new and distinctive voices in Australian theatre, Yellamundie National First Peoples Playwriting Festival is the biennial showcase of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and international First Nations playwriting. Presented by Moogahlin Performing Arts and Carriageworks since 2013, and taking its name from the Darug word for storyteller, Yellamundie National First Peoples Playwriting Festival provides a platform for emerging and established playwrights from all over Australia. With networking opportunities for artists, industry forums, and readings of six new national and two international plays, Carriageworks becomes a thriving artistic and cultural meeting place. Take the opportunity to be part of the discovery and championing of First Peoples playwrights.

When: 27-29 January 2017
Where: Carriageworks, Bay 20, 245 Wilson Street, Darlington
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