Talking Deadly: Firesticks

Image courtesy Oliver Costello / Firesticks (

‘Fire’ is known by many terms in many languages. Firesticks uses the term ‘cultural fire’ to describe the myriad ways fire occurs in cultural practice and belief. Cultural fire has spirit and authority and must be respected. The cultural values and practices that manifest as cultural fire are underpinned by a fundamental intent and knowledge of cultural custodians to care for community and country. This can be understood through the interconnected relationships and kinship between all elements and beings.

Join Oliver Costello as he talks about the Firesticks Initiative, which provides Indigenous leadership, advocacy and action to protect, conserve and enhance cultural and natural values of people and country through cultural fire and land management practices.

When: Wednesday, 31 May 2017, 6-7pm
Where: State Library of NSW, Glasshouse, Lower Ground Floor
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